In this post, we present a partial list of talent agencies in (British Columbia) with which casting directors and actors connect.
Talents and actors (in Vancouver, BC) hire a talent agent to help them land a role or find film-related work in film, TV, and digital media productions. Note: Aspiring actors need to exert due diligence and research before deciding to work with a talent agent/agency. (See Disclaimer below this page.) Vancouver Talent Agencies: List E-KEchelon Talent Management, Inc. Eleven Management Elizabeth Hodgson Management Group, Inc. Esprit Management Inc. - Esprit Artists Evangelista Talent Management Inc. Falconer Academy of Modelling Limited Family Model Management Inc. Firemedics Emergency Services Consultants Ltd. GE Talent Go Talent Management Gosman Talent and Twins Plus HectiQ Artists Inc. HELLKAT TALENT Hero Artists Inc. Hollywood North Extras Inc. Ignite Artists Inc. In-Motion Talent Ltd. Inspirationall Talent & Modeling Group, Inc. Integral Artists Inc. Jager International Management JC Spotlight Talent Agency Inc. Jeff Turner Entertainment Group JL Model Talent Management Inc. - Valley Extras Kathy Carpenter Talent Inc. - KC Talent KBAM! Kevin Bruce Arts Kello Inclusive KGA Entertainment King Talent Incorporated Kysa Management Inc
Disclaimer: The list provided is for information purposes only, and is not in any way an endorsement or promotion, and is subject to change without prior notice. It is recommended that users verify the agency’s legal existence through: Source: British Columbia Employment Standards Branch
We feature here a partial list of Vancouver talent agencies with which directors of casting, production crew and talents connect.
Most actors in Vancouver, BC, Canada, seek the service of a talent agency to assist them in finding a role or any film-related film and TV projects. Note: Aspiring actors need to exert due diligence and research before deciding to work with a talent agent/agency. (See Disclaimer below this page.) Vancouver Talent Agencies: List L-R
L.A. Jones Talent Management Inc. Lauren Levitt & Associates Inc. Legends Cafe Corporation LEO ENTERPRISES LTD. Lexington Lizbell Agency Limited Local Color Talent Agency Inc. Lucas Talent Inc. Maddalena Michelle Acconci - M.A. Mint Agency Inc. MJWatts Talent Model Made Management Inc. Modelco Vancouver Management Ltd. - MVM Agency MoGood Talent MPT&ENT INC. - Moving Pictures Talent & Entertainment Narnia Talent Agency Northern Exposure Talent Management Group Ltd. Nuance Talent Management Orange Model & Talent Management Inc. Oremony Design Corp. - Stranger Agency Pacific Artists Management Inc. Peacemaker Filmworks Inc. Pebble Star Artists Inc. Performers Management Inc. Picobello Talent Inc. Play Management Inc. PMG Management Ltd. Pooni Group Management Inc. Principals Talent Inc. Pure Platinum Talent Agency Red Raven Talent Ltd. Red Talent Management Inc. Reel Athletes Talent Agency Inc
Disclaimer: The list provided is for information purposes only, and is not in any way an endorsement or promotion, and is subject to change without prior notice. It is recommended that users verify the agency’s legal existence through: Source: British Columbia Employment Standards Branch
We post here a partial list of BC talent agencies with which filmmakers, production crew and actors work on a project.
Many talents in BC, Canada, employ the service of a talent agency to support them in getting a role in a film or TV project. Note: Aspiring actors need to exert due diligence and research before deciding to work with a talent agent/agency. (See Disclaimer below this page.) Vancouver Talent Agencies: List S-Y
Sharlene Jose - Wye Talent Management Shine Agency St Denis Talent Management Sterling Artists Management Inc. Supernaturals Modelling Inc. The Characters Talent Agency (Vancouver) Ltd. The Premiere Talent Agency Inc. Think Projects Inc. - Lloyd Talent Tic Tac Act Talent Agency Inc. Tiny Talent Inc. Trisko Talent Management Inc. Unique Talent & Model Agency Universal Artists VA Entertainment Inc. Van Gogh Talent Inc. Vancouver Island Talent Vox Talent Inc. Webster Talent Management Inc. Weel Partners Ltd. WestCoast Talent Management Inc. - Kool Kids Talent Agency Wild Management Inc. Yuci Talent
Disclaimer: The list provided is for information purposes only, and is not in any way an endorsement or promotion, and is subject to change without prior notice. It is recommended that users verify the agency’s legal existence through: Source: British Columbia Employment Standards Branch
Feature Films | New Media Feature | TV Pilot | TV Series |
New Media Series | New Media TV Movie | TV Movie
In this post, you will find International Film Productions and TV shows that completed their filming in BC, Canada in 2023.
International Film Productions and TV Shows That Were Filmed in Vancouver, BC, Canada in 2023
Source: Creative BC
Disclaimer: The list of film/TV/New Media presented here is for information purposes only. Hollywood North Canada does not endorse nor it is commissioned to promote the said productions. For other information, visit Creative BC. For specific production and other details, contact their respective production companies.